Roof line of a grey home with grey shingles.

Roofing can be a confusing process for many homeowners. With so many material options and elements to construction, an installation can seem like a foreign language to the average individual. If you're investing in roofing service for your Michigan home, you've likely heard the term "ridge vent" thrown around. This vent is an essential piece of any quality roofing installation, and if you've hired a skilled company like Kearns Brothers, your home will absolutely be equipped with it.

What exactly is a roof ridge vent though? And do you really need one? In this blog, we'll give you everything you need to know about this installation and why it's crucial you don't avoid it.

What is a Ridge Vent and Where is the Ridge Vent Located?

When a new roof is installed on your home, a slit is often cut along the peak. While it may seem counterproductive to put a literal hole in your roof, this slit serves a very important purpose. Your home is a living, breathing organism, and hot air needs a place to escape. The peak of your roof, right along the ridge, is the perfect place. 

The ridge vent covers this slit so that no precipitation or debris gets inside your attic. Your roof installer will implement ridge cap shingles to make a seamless appearance. From the ground, it might just look like a second layer of shingles has been added to your roof. What's really going on is that your home can now breathe, while still being completely watertight.

The Importance of Adding One to Your Michigan Home

To the average homeowner, "ventilation" doesn't adequately explain why you need a ridge vent. While airflow is always a good thing, why is it so important? To put things simply, air carries water. As hot air rises, it finds its way into the attic. Without a proper vent, this air becomes trapped and stagnant. Over time, the air dissipates but water is left behind. This creates a whole range of issues, including:

  • Mold Growth: Mold loves water. If enough moisture is left behind, your attic will become ridden with mold and mildew growth, compromising the air quality in your home.
  • Structural Problems: Water can also lead to wood rot. If moisture collects on the ceiling of your attic, roofing materials like nails and staples can work their way loose as the wood they're attached to deteriorates.
  • Stuffiness: With no ventilation, your home will become incredibly stuffy. The attic and the upstairs will be hot and humid, creating an uncomfortable living environment.

The purpose of ridge vents is to allow this air to flow smoothly throughout the home, leaving behind no water. When a ridge vent is paired with a soffit installation, maximum airflow can be obtained.

Contact Your Michigan Roofing Experts Today

It should now be clear why a ridge vent is so important to add to your roofing installation. If it's time for a roofing project, make sure that your hired company is including this service. When you have Kearns Brothers perform the work, you'll never have to worry. Our team is extremely talented, and we've been in business for over 30 years. With an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau, a "Roofing Contractor of the Year" award, and GAF Master Elite certification, there is truly no better choice for a Michigan roofing company.

Browse all our services including roofing, exteriors, windows, storm damage remediation, and commercial installations, and give us a call today for a free quote.